Previous Blogs

April 3rd 2016 

A very good week for weather and turn out. Over 50 sellers which means we will have to move to the other side and I hope the good weather can run for two weeks in a row. Our good friends at the Market placed a bit too many signs up and confused a few sellers which wasn't appreciated but, I will ask for them not to be placed near our entrance. I've had a few emails with reard to the Market. No, nothing to do with me as it seems a totally daft thing to do at the same time as the Car Boot especially as it seems to be 98% food offered. Only 3 or possibly 4 stalls so, not a market as such. It's always easy to get food outlets to turn up as they are all desperate for a venue but, surely the restaurant will put pay to this. As I said before i've not sold this or not sold that to keep the peace with the shops and here is a total stranger opening up everything that is already at Stonham. Really not impressed especially as the organiser put signs all around the Car Boot entrance and confused all the people turning up for the Car Boot. 

What can I say. To be honest Markets don't work. You only have to look at the other ones in towns to see that they are struggling. They should have a good think about an event that no one else is doing and stop trying to steal other people's business. I can't say how angry I am that it has been allowed. At the same time if they actually advertised in places other than exactly the same places that we do it could bring extra people in but, whilst it has 3 to 4 food outlets it's a complete waste of time. To me this really sums up Suffolk. How many times have I seen people try and do exactly the same thing as someone else and, to be make it worse, try and open at the same place. I wouldn't do that. It's embarrassing. If I saw something that I thought was a great idea i'd ask them if they would be ok with me duplicating but, doing it 10 miles away or in another place. I wouldn't want to do it at the same place. I'd probably ask for their help or whether it would be worth connecting it. After all it's their idea. Having said all that I'd rather come up with my own idea. I notice that a lot of people advertise their Car Boots as Suffolk's friendliest or copy the same wording I use. I see this with Stonham doing this for their literature. It doesn't bother me. I seem to be moaning all the time on here which isn't good. I do enjoy the car boots but, probably need someone to take over the cooking on the food van and allow me to talk to the sellers and buyers more. I used to, which I really enjoyed. I haven't actually had a real holiday in over 4 years. I have to squeeze it into a week because I like to make sure everything runs smoothly. Anyway, enough of me moaning. I wonder how long the market man will attempt to run? For anyone considering selling at the market - I won't allow anyone selling hot food at the Car Boot presently. It's not right because of the restaurant.  


March 27th 2016 

The weather forecast was quite poor but, considering this we have 30 plus sellers and the rain held off for most of it. The field is now fine and maybe by next week we will have our old field in operation. The market was on which comprised of 3 sellers and 2 of those were food. I cannot believe that the Restaurant will put up with that. It's even more competition for them and it's something that I wasn't allowed to bring in. Anyone can bring in food sellers which means it's presently not a market but Stowmarket High Street. Quite disappointed that there aren't genuine market people. The reason being is that nothing new is being sold at it. I suggest to Mr Market man is that he tries to get a meat seller or a bread seller. I have tried myself at Stonham but, I stopped at that as I didn't want to upset the shops by selling the same things that they sell. I know how hard it is to run a shop and how upsetting it is to look forward to the busy weekend only to have someone else cutting yoir prices at a Market. 


With regard to the Car Boot I think it will be a good year, as I said earlier, because a lot of the old faces are back and once the warm weather comes we will fill up with buyers and sellers. I know that our rival Car Boots will not be enjoying the forecasts or weather but, being at Stonham we do still get sellers because they know that Stonham has much more to offfer the public and therefore they still sell well even if the weather isn't great. 

It's probably fair that I let the Market get on with what it is doing and concentrte on what we do and what we do well, so, hope to see many more of you at the Car Boot this Sunday where the weather looks ok. 


March 20th 2016 

Another good crowd considering the poor forecast. At least this time there was no road closed or diversion. I think we are going to have a good year as it's started positively and there's a few faces I haven't seen for a while which is good. This Sunday i'm expecting a good crowd for Bank Holiday Sunday and I have bookings coming in already for Sunday which is excellent as they may sell out. Something that i've been weary of is the start of a new market at Stonham. I think it appears to be similar to the Farmers Market so maybe it will add to the crowd of buyers. The chap didn't do a very good job initially when he spoke to me about it and immediately put my back up. Having a website covered in Car Boot prices didn't help but these have been removed and we will see on Sunday how they do. Seeing as it's on the same day as me it seems to be wrong but, there isn't a great deal I can do but, we will see. It would have made sense to start on Saturday or later on a Sunday but, they insist upon starting at the same time as the car boot so we will see how long before the sellers realise they can sell for less at the Car Boot. I will re-think all of this once i've chatted to person two but, at present it seems to be so wrong to utilise my crowd to start an event. Surely, anyone in their right mind would realise that it is not going to go down well with me seeing as I started the car boot from nothing. Suddenly someone comes along and opens an event using my crowd. Stonham before the Car Boot was very dead on a Sunday. The Car Boot has brought life to Sundays. On top of that I have had to start a car boot with numerous can't do's - such as no commercial sellers and no commercial plant sellers. I've had numerous offers to take on various suppliers but, plodded along and followed the stipulations. It will be interesting to see who is allowed to sell at the market. 


Stonham Barns Sunday Car Boot has a great reputation and it's this reputation that brings in families and sellers of all ages. We don't get hagglers or people trying to take items. Instead you get a very friendly dignified crowd and a very knowledgeable one. It is this feeling that I think makes people want to sell at the Car Boot. Of course, not eveyone sells at the Car Boot but, the feedback has been good lately. 

I may be wrong about the market and will talk to the chap today. I'm hoping that he is after a different crowd and it will compliment us but, we will see. I have had to put up with so many wallies opening and shutting things and people removing signs and placing ones in front of mine. I have argued but compromised and then enjoyed the following week when it was just the car boot again. The market wants to run weekly so I will judge them after a few appearances and we will see how many sellers they have. We will also see if the owner of it will be around all year or just a few weeks. Stonham isn't an instant crowd. I have nurtured mine over 4 years. If I hadn't then he wouldn't have had a market. I think he my find it hard to compete with £5 and £10 selling at the Car Boot especially as we start later to avoid the wet weather. We started in March this year because of the weather, wet fields and general lack of interest in Car Boots in February. Who knows what times he expects to run from and too. Either way we will see how long he manages to run. It certainly helps when he has my crowd to help but, the sellers will see the car boot and wonder why they are selling for more than £5 or £10. I could be wrong but, i'm an old cynic and something just feels very wrong. In Essex, people wouldn't do this. If they knew someone was already running something there they would approach the individual. Most people would pick a different place where there wasn't one. Either way I know the sellers and buyers enough to know that they have some loyalty and the sellers certainly wouldn't pay more to sell at Stonham. If he is purely after Market sellers/commercial sellers then he is welcome to them. I expect the shops will complain but, if it doesn't affect my crowd then everyone will be happy. The food trailer offers excellent food at the car boot so, maybe we will win either way. See you on Sunday and after my chat with the market man hopefully I will be able to amend my thoughts on the market. 


March 13th 2016 

Well that was a surprise. 35 odd sellers appeared and the first warmer weather brought lots more sellers. Naturally, just to throw a spanner in the works, the road was closed forcing everyone to take a 5 mile detour to get to Stonham. Despite that we had a good day and we even opened the grass for sellers so, its full steam ahead. Looking for good weather this Sunday and expecting numbers of buyers and sellers to increase weekly now. Remember that we are still the cheapest Car Boot in Suffolk were you can sell from £5 and pay no more than £10. 


March 6th 2016 

Finally back and to be honest I had the usual starting nerves but was pleasantly surprised. Mothers Day was possibly the worst starting day but we have to start some time. If the start of the year is going to be this wet next year we may have to start later still or move it temporarily into the showground on the hard ground. We will see how long before everything hardens to decide that for next year.  


We didn't get a huge numbers of sellers but enough to have a Car Boot. It was extremely cold so many left very early but - we are off and running and I expect that the ground will be better next week as it looks like a week of dry weather ahead after the initial two days of potential rain. Things dry up quite quickly though. 


To all my old followers and readers I'd like to see more of you back this year as we are now showing that 4 years of running is starting to bring in decent numbers more regularly rather than loads one week and not so many the next. We know that it will take a few weeks to get going but, even yesterday, the buyers were there and eager to see and buy from the sellers. I recommend that many of you come and see for yourselves as we do get buyers at Stonham. Anyhow if you have any requests or concerns do ring me as i'm on the phone 24/7 and always there to help. Oh and Happy New Year to everybody : ) 


November 15th 2015 

Only 2 more Car Boots this year left and I think it's probably the right decision. The Firework night and all the rain after has softened the field and because of that we have moved to the other side again. Last Sunday was blowing a gale and I know that all the Car Boots struggled last Sunday (15th November). We now have the 22nd and the 29th which is shared with the Xmas Craft Fair so, we are expecing two good last Sundays this year. Obviously we are in the hands of the Gods with the weather but, we have had sellers every Sunday this year even the washed out days we have had sellers and buyers so I must say a huge thanks to everyone who came. 

It's been a strange year for Car Boots, I think. We have had great numbers often on days when we weren't expecting it and sometimes less than were expected on the event days when we thought numbers of sellers would be higher. We have a great collection of regulars now and pretty much guarantee a Car Boot as we are highly regarded by pretty much everyone that sells there. Naturally you can't please everyone but, we manage to maintain a great atmosphere that is intimidation and theft free. It's possibly the only Car Boot when you can set up in peace. We did actually have on person attempt a theft at Stonham Barns Car Boot - which was possibly the strangest thing to witness. The person(s) in question attempted to steal from Stanley the Help for Heroes chap. Of all people to take from! With all due respect to Stanley we do have some sellers that sell a selction of valuable antiques and often higher priced items whereas Stanley gets a lot of his items given to him. Young Ian, the organiser on the day, saw the event and managed to ask for the said tem to be returned. The person in question did so and left on his way. It was almost surreal. We just don't get the aggressiveness of buyers that other venues get. It just wouldn't be right as it is just too civilized for that : ) 


Seriously though, we just don't. It isn't that it's dead as some weeks we are absolutely packed out it's just that it really isn't the place to need to rush around. The whole idea was that it was fun and people would feel that they wanted to stay a while and relax.  


I have high hopes for next year but, at the same time think that we migjht be sensible to end midway through November or at the end of October and have a few Xmas Car Boots only. February last year was wet and soggy so, March would be a better idea I think. The other Car Boots are starting before us but, we trust our regulars to be back for the first one in March. 


For anyone that wants to discuss or has any ideas about the Car Boot I'm at the Car Boot every Sunday and always free to speak on 07817539168. See you this Sunday : ) 


October 11th 2015 

I've been busy as usual organising the Car Boot and unfortunately something has to give. hence, the blog has struggled lately. Not to say I haven't been as active as always promoting the Car Boot. The weather has been amazing lately and I can't remember the last rainfall we had on a Sunday. Needless to say we have had a few windy and grim mornings but, many have flourished into good days. 


Lots has gone on since I last scribbled. The number of sellers has been pretty consistent hovering around the 50 to 80 mark sometimes more and sometimes less but, the number of buyers has been excellent. I do really miss being able to wander around the Car Boot and chatting to everyone as i'm presently head chef on the food trailer. The food trailer is vital to keeping the Car Boot alive so, I've had to put young Ian in charge of operations in the field. This Sunday will be Stan's last day for a while as he has an operation on his back so, I hope that many of you make a point of saying good luck to Stan. Stan is one of those characters that has been at the Car Boot since the beginning and he collects weekly for Help for Heroes. He is definitely a character with his tombola and his constant attempts at selling his books and poems. He probably drives a few of you up the wall but, without Stan we could never have carried on for as long as we have. Running a Car Boot relies heavily on the volunteers and helpers. Stan helps set up the stalls and with me are the last two to clear up the stalls/covers and clean up. So, I will definitely miss Stan. He is also the provider of energy drinks later in the day. 


Contrary to popular belief running a Car Boot is hard work and looking back on weeks gone by I can remember huddling around the tea pot and clearing snow off the Car Park and every week Stan would be there no matter the weather. We don't open all year round now but, when we did i guarantee that i can't remember many when Stan wasn't there. As much a pain he can be his heart is definitely in the right place and for someone that has had major heart surgery is invaluable to the Car Boot. So, I hope that many will come this Sunday and say good luck to him. Without sticking to just this i will say that I'm always amazed by Stan's dedication to raise money for Help for Heroes. Stan was in the Army (Vetinary Corp.) as he always wanted to work with animals. Many people probably view this as a skip in the park keepin the dogs up to scratch but, this would have been out in the field with the animals whilst everything flew past.  


I know that Stan was recently moved by a limbless army chap at Stonham selling. The poor chap made a point of thanking Stan for all the money he raised which went towards helping him recover. He made a big point of saying without people like him he wouldn't be here today recovered and coping. He gave Stan some of his army possessions which he was honoured to receive.  


Anyhow, I could fill the page with things about Stan but, I won't.  


I'm hoping for the weather to carry on as it has and i wil say that we are getting a great buying crowd. Last Sunday was a little subdued but, it was cold and there ere quite a few events in Suffolk that day. It was still a good crowd though. To be continued.. 


September 20th 2015 

Well, what can I say. We've managed to open for all the recent weeks and despite some rain, poor forecasts we are going ok. I was a little disappointed with last Sundays numbers of sellers but generally we've averaged about 80 sellers. last Sunday was a little strange as there didn't seem to be any reason not to be busy as the weather was forcast ok and it was a nice day. maybe there was a dog event on or possibly the big Antique Fair not too far away but either way it seemed a little quieter than normal. 


Next Sunday will be completely different as ofr the first time since i've been running the car Boot at Stonham we have a huge event at Stonham. Runour has it that 3500 people have booked to camp there which means absolute chaos on the Sunday. I've masked off our area so, no one can use our field but, i'm a litlle worried with this many people coming to Stonham. It's potentially a great day to sell at the Car Boot but, i'm also worried how many could turn up to sell but, we'll worry about that on Sunday. Don't be put off as i'm sure we can squeeze you all in but, until I see how they have squashed the 3500 in the fields and showground will I be able to plan properly. From past experience no one seems to organise these events correctly and people have a habit of ignoring everything and trying to set up next to the toilets. We will see. I don't particularly enjoy moving people after they have set up but - the stalls give them a big enough hint that it's fenced off. I probably won't know till Friday when I put the boards up. Fun and games. Either way, it should be a great Car Boot and one that goes on longer than usual. 


August 30th 2015 

Well, finally back on here. As I said before I've been reluctant to praise the weather as it immediately snows if I do that. But, we have had a great run. Even last week when there was the threat of rain and promise of rain later in the day plus rain in the morning we still managed to get 50 sellers. Considering all of that I was impressed with the numbers and also pleased I didn't change my mind and open on Bank Holiday Monday. Most other Car Boots struggled last Sunday and because of that we did get a few extras from other Car Boots. Naturally, with the weather not being great numbers were lower last Sunday but, I still felt there were decent numbers. We have been really busy when the weather has been better so, all in all I though it was a good turnout (buyers and sellers) last Sunday. I did get a comment on this weeks advertising on Facebook saying they were disappointed with last weeks Car Boot.. I did respond and i think I answered the point as politely as possible. Basically, I said that with the forecast and the early mornings downpour we were possibly the only Car Boot that opened and yes, because of this we probably had 25/50% of the crowd we would have got if the weather was perfect but - we did still get a good crowd and Car Boots are like that. You can't guarantee sales and despite her being disappointed we still had enough people saying they had sold well. I left it at that. It's very tempting to speak and speak on the topic but, it goes into the old response i've said a million times and that is that it only takes one person for it to become a great day. If she had sold a few bigger items suddenly, she would have been saying what a wonderful Car Boot it was and how well she had done and what marvelous products she had and how great the atmosphere was.... I did mention that I hoped she noticed the atmosphere and appreciated that as we are proud of this and the fact that you can set up in peace. It does mean a lot to me that we don't get people diving into your boot or have people attempting to steal your items. As we grow (which we will inevitably do) i hope that we maintain this atmosphere as I will remove any signs of this aggression at the Car Boot. I think it;'s just the area and manner that the Car Boot runs in. i know that most people speak highly of the Car Boot. It is meant to be fun. Occasionally we will get people, who haven't sold well on their appearance at Stonham, saying it's this or that but, to judge somewhere you have to go more than once and in different climates and days as we have event days, we have good weather days and we have supposedly quieter days when their aren't any other things going on at Stonham and often they are the best sell at days. 


We do, of course, have two big days coming up at the Car Boot and Stonham. One is Loco, which is the German Car Show and the other is the Retro Dub Show which is a VW event and allegedly going to be packed. I can see the german car Show also being busy too as there just aren't many German Car Shows. With these, I don't think that bad weather will stop the numbers. Especially the Dub Show as both showgrounds are already booked with people camping there. 


August 16th 2015 

I'm a bit scared to write about the recent good weather in case it stops. That's 3 weeks of good weather on a Sunday in a row which is great for the Car Boot. We've had the VW Show and now the Classic Car Show both were hugely successful with great crowds for both. The Car Show was packed and it was great again for everyone to watch the Cars driving in as they sold at the Car Boot. We have Kite Flying this Sunday and this isn't just a few people on a hill it is actually a selection of experts plus there will be plenty to see and do including competitions and prizes, face painting, zorbing, bouncy castle and much more. So, this will bring in families and new people to Stonham but, more importantly we need good weather again. 


The Stalls have been booking well each week. We only have 20 but, these are so handy. You just pull up behind one, place a blanket on the top and lay your items all around, under and on top of the surface. these are market stalls so, you can hang things from the framework as well. The good bit is that you clear your rubbish and load up and off you go at the end. these are £10 each rather than £5 for cars bringing their own tables. 


I actually lost a board last week which is pretty good considering I lost all them some weeks. Most people don't touch other people's signs but, I must have upset someone and they removed the sign. This was outside Needham Car Boot where we have a board every week. I expect I may have stared at a car driving too close to me as I put it up which has merited the action but, never mind. I actually put these up Friday evening after getting back from work so, i'm never in a great mood when doing this but, it is actually quite peaceful. I always say to people to say hello or bib but, quite often cars take this to the other extreme and make me jump as they go past. I've tried not to wave back as my two fingered wave seems to be misconstrued ; ). All are welcome to come and join in as i end the evening by popping in the Retreat for a drink afterwards. After a long day it's nice to have 20 minutes in there relaxing as i'm up early on Saturday stocking up the Food Trailer, checking signs, putting out the Car Boot stalls. I have a new cooker for the Food Trailer which i'm hoping will improve the speed of the Food Cooking. It's been a bit busy of late . Always so, much to do.. I 'm hoping to put the cooker in before next Sundays Car Boot. 


We have some big events coming in September with the Loco German car Show followed by the Retro Dub which is looking like the busiest event at Stonham since we have been there. This may be a dilemma with the sheer number of people at Stonham. I will keep you up to date with that as I have a feeling we may be asked to go back to the other side for that day.. There are 3500 people expected at the show and still rising.  


August 2nd 2015 

At last. A great days weather and the first in about 4 or 5 Sundays. We managed a few hours on the 26th July and some sales on the previous Sundays but.. we had a good full field yesterday and the weather is looking good for August suddenly. Perfect timing for the VW enthusiasts and the Car Show which are the next two Sundays. Suddenly, all the poor weather we have had is forgotten as it was a good Sunday and i'm hoping for numbers to carry on especially with the shows on. We have a lot of people camping all week which means they will be there as buyers and you then get all the VW fans coming on Sunday. the following Sunday we have the same with the Car Show which is always packed with cars. Suddenly i'm excited about having a full field. 


July 12th 2015 

What a strange month it has been so far. We have had good mornings followed by rain and swift endings, we have had rained off completely although some still persevered and sold and last week we had a wet start followed by a good morning and suddenly rain again. So, it's about time we had a Sunday with decent weather. This Sunday looks like a perfect opportunity and we have the harmony Festival so, i'm expecting a good turn out. I think this is the event that has come from Jimmy's Farm and decided to try Stonham so, it should be good. I will let you know next week if it is.. 


June 28th 2015 


We finally moved to the other side and I think it is a good idea so, get used to it. I loved the other side but, the area has reduced, the hard ground is now needed for coaches and the view of the brown sheds isn't the one we used to have. The other side is larger and allows us to offer unlimited space to sellers. The first week and we had 80 odd sellers and Summer is finally upon us. I expect we will beat our 122 record soon as numbers are on the up and better still people are buying at Stonham whereas I hear that that isn't the case at many Car Boots. I'll quickly add that it doesn't mean that you are guaranteed £100's of pounds whatever you sell.. Car Boots are a fine art and there are many at Car Boots that buy well and sell better which is what Car Boots are to so many. We have a few big events coming up but, generally Stonham has been buzzing with people and it really is a great venue for a Car Boot. Decent toilets, shops, attractions, people camping and living at Stonham and we are on the Tourist Route. Things are looking up at Stonham and on top of that the atmosphere and crowd is a really friendly one. I'm not aware of any thefts ever since we started and no one harrasses anyone and everyone is genuinely friendly. this is because most the people selling are one off people, normal folk and very few commercial sellers if any. I don't think you can beat it. I'm a tad bias but, it's hard to beat. 


June 14th/21st 2015 


A little bity subdued for the last two weeks as the weather hasn't been great. We still opened on the 14th when most others closed and had all the covered stalls sold so, we had a car boot sale. Last Sunday was Fathers Day and I can remember it being the same every Fathers Day and that's very slow byer wise. Everyone seems to stay at home or go for a meal or do anything other than go to a Car Boot. Having said that we did have quite a lot of buyers it just ended a little earlier than normal. I expect all Car Boots are the same all over the place but, we enevr really know if the draw of Stonham and all it's new shops will pull thepeople in anyway. 


Next Sunday we have a Country Music Festival which is a new one at Stonham. I'm interseted to see if we'll get lots of visitors on horseback and large American Cars turning up! I don't think that there are many Country Music festivals so, i'm hoping it will get a good following and with camping available i expect to see many viewing and participating at the Car Boot. 


June 7th 2015 


Back to the warm weather and a great crowd last Sunday. The Mid Suffolk Vintage Show was on but, I was so busy that I didn't see if this was a success or not. it certainly seemed to swell the crowd. The week before it rained all day on and off and despite sellers still having a go it wasn't our best day. 

The Vaglogic Car Show was a success the week before that and it's been a strange year. I keep hearing about other Car Boots doing well or not doing well or having a lot of problems with thefts. We just don't seem to have the same problem at Stonham Barns probably because it's a good area and quite a wealthy one. Everyone that attends seems to adopt the same attitude which is one of relaxation. I got an email, which was pleasing, from a new customer saying that they had lots of room, loved the atmosphere and sold well. Thanks for that as it's so nice to receive emails like that. Each week I hear similar quotes from people but, it's always aligned with other people saying the complete opposite because they haven't sold as well. These are the people that were glowing with praise the week before that when they did sell well. It's not about just sales it's about the place, the people, the friendliness of everyone and sometimes the fact that they are still trying to sell the same pieces that didn't sell well the week before. the good bits go and that's life. 


You cannot expect everyone to have the same taste as you. Eventually you will find someone that likes that item but, what can I say... Car boots do make me laugh. 


We have another event this Sunday with the Stonham Barns Dog Extravaganza. I have a dog but, it's not my thing but, I know there will be lots of people with dogs there. We are probably moving to the other side of the field as we are starting to fill up our reducing area. we had to put some on both sides last week since the verge has encroached the Car Boot bit. This is ceratinly a much bigger area and I think it makes sense to be visible from the road. What do you think? 


I'm hoping for a few weeks of good weather rather than one on one off which is hindering the number of sellers. We get a good steady 70 to 80 at the moment but, as fast as we get that we are rained off and it drops down. We have had 120 there so, it would be good to get back to those numbers every week. We certainly have the buyers to merit that many. especially at this time of year when Stonham is so busy. 


May 17th 2015 


OK, I have been a little slack doing this. So much to do all the time. The last Two Sundays have been good weather and it makes such a difference to the Car Boot. On the 9th we had the Vintage Cars leaving Stonham to go on a charity Drive, last week we had the Antique/Collectors Fair and this Sunday we have the Vaglogic VW show. Not all of these are everyone's cup of tea but, it means a whole new crowd to Stonham each week which means new buyers. Last week, for example, because we opened before the Antique Fair all the sellers from the fair + traders appeared early at the Car Boot to buy and more than likely re-sell in the Collectors Fair. Dog eat dog in the selling trade. Many people complain that they see their items selling for £20 more at events like these but, if they set a price and are happy to get that price why complain... It doesn't make sense. Most people at Car Boots have a price they know they want for items. People that buy either buy for themselves or buy to sell at a higher price. That's life. 


Stonham, at this time of year, is a great place to sell at because we do have people staying in the campsite and holiday homes plus being on the Coastal Route you can't just pass without having a peak at the Car Boot. Plus of course we have the events that attract extra people into Stonham. 


I'm hoping that the weather continues as it has done because as fast as we grow one poor weather Sunday knocks it back a little. 


April 12th 2015 


This was even better than the week before. Beautiful morning and we were filling up at 7am which is always a good sign. 70 odd sellers, a huge buying crowd which was boosted by the 350+ people camping for the Custom Car Show. These events are really picking up now as this was the 4th year it had been at Stonham. We have a few events that have been running for a while now and one is the Mid Suffolk Show which will be another big one. make sure you sell at that one as it will be busy. 


As I mentioned earlier the sign stealing has stopped for a while now. the police have been watching the route and waiting so, hopefully the culpret will be stopped completely soon. I can only reiterate that we are independent of Stonham so, you are hurting me rather than Stonham by taking the Car Boot signs. I'm not sure why you are taking them but, if you want to explain to me you can call me and I'm always willing to relocate them if you have good reason for them to be moved.. 


April 5th 2015 


At last. A good crowd of sellers and buyers and a good day's weather. The whole place comes to life when the weather is better and I'm hoping for two in a row with the Car Show coming up 


March 29th 2015 


Too good to be true to have two weeks in a row but... absolutely horrible day and as much as we tried the rain didn'ty stop and the Car Boot was finally cancelled. Signs disappeare as well so, generally a poor day. 


March 22nd 2015 


Another week gone and yet another strange one. Weather predicted to be brilliant so, come 6am on Sunday morning it's raining. By 7.30 it was still raining. A week waiting and it's feeling like it's going to be a nightmare. Suddenly the rain stops and people turn up at 8am onwards. So confusing running a Car boot.m We had a good day with good numbers of sellers and buyers and it was our best so far this year. I couldn't have imagined that at 7.30am. 


This week the weather is back to being a bad forecast so, I'm hoping that the public just ignore it and wait until Sunday morning to decide. As stated a million times we are open either way. It's so frustrating because most Sundays it looks fine and the weather forecast predicts otherwise. 


Anyway, no signs taken. That's a start. The only confusing thing is that I haven't heard a word from the police. I'm going to chase them. 


March 15th 2015 


I suppose it was too good to be true to expect decent weather two weeks running. But, if you read the forecasts it had said that it was going to rain all day and then suddenly it was just due to rain first thing. Well, I didn't see any rain all day. Yes, it was freezing and this affected numbers but, considering this we had loads of buyers and despite lots of signs being stolen yet again it worked out ok. So, in the last three weeks I had 20 to 30 signs taken one week, followed by 4 the next, followed by 15 last Sunday. The police are dealing with it and hopefully we will see the end of it but, for three years this has gone on. The Farmers Market lost all of there's before the Farmers Market.. what is up with someone. I can understand if someone disliked the signs but why not discuss it. It seems to be Stonham Barns based only and I don't even have anything to do with Stonham Barns. So, if the person is reading this email me and try and explain why you have to do this. The police have your number plate so, it will stop but, it must take you ages to go round and do this which means that you need to refocus your attention. We all re-make signs but, in my case, this is affecting numbers to the Car Boot. I am a public person who rents the field at Stonham and each week has to pay for new wood/signs/print on top of tall the other costs. 


If your argument is against Stonham Barns please discuss it. Either way, I have nothing to do with Stonham so, you are causing a huge amount of stress to me. As well as costs and wasted time. 


Well, as I said numbers were down but, we are seeing good numbers at Stonham of buyers which is the important thing. 


March 8th 2015 


Started slowly but, the weather was great and suddenly we had a crowd. Lots of sellers and loads of buyers. Really pleased as everyone seemed to sell well. Stonham in the sun is so much different to other Car boots as it's such a nice atmosphere. We know that everyone loves this about the Car Boot and we have now added a really good buying crowd to Stonham. In fact, even when the weather has been poor and numbers of sellers are down everyone still sells well. I don't think you can say that about many places. The field has been repaired and the muddy bits filled in and rolled & mowed. So, it's looking the part again. If I had the time i'd go round and remove all the little stones and work on getting the cricket green that we used to have there. 


Well rather than go on and on i'd like to just say that we are definitely growing and when the good weather is forecast I expect the place to really buzz. The buyers are swarmin on sellers and it's great to see so many walking away with bags from purchases. Just need the weather to improve 


March 1st 2015 


Again, another disappointing day at Stonham and totally because of the incorrect Weather Forecast. I actually had a nightmare weekend because I finished placing the signs and drove around Saturday admiring them (as you do) and then received a call that someone was loading them into their car. My partner got the call and was in the midst of teaching an Upholstery Course so the details were vague.I was told that it was on a roundabout on the A140 or something like that. This narrowed it to Junction 51 of the A14 however, what they meant was the junction of the A1120 and A140 where they may have been a roundabout. By the time I got there there was no signs and no one there. I then spent the next few hours going back and forth and then replaced the missing signs with three more quickly made versions. 


The next time I got a chance to drive around (about 5pm) those three new signs had also been stolen as had about 20 plus signs in total. I've written on here before about this and how wrong it is. I have no idea why someone would find it that distressing to see my signs. The council have agreed that I can place them so, it isn't them and you would have thought that most people accept that the Car Boot is a fun day for most and independently run so nothing to do with Stonham Barns. I know that anyone that puts signs up that have anything to do with Stonham Barns seem to lose signs (Circus, Antique fairs etc etc). All have complained about this. I'm sure some think it's me as they are events running at the same time but, you only have to look at the site we put out and you will see that I promote all events even if it means that I lose out financially on sellers as I am always happy to have more people at Stonham. Now, there is some good news in this and that is I have the number plate, so I know who you are... I have placed a message on facebook but, no one seems to know the person so, I did what I had to do and have notified the police. I'd like to reiterate that i'm not interested in getting the person into trouble but, have no choice but to do this as it happens every few weeks and it comes out of my pocket. It also wastes all the hours I spend putting them out late on a Friday evening. So, i'm sorry but, there is no reason to do this as far as I can see so, I'd like my signs back and for this to stop. The Police give me no option obecause they aren't prepared to just smack their hands and get the signs back. So, you have to make a case of it. It won't be anything major but, hopefully I can find out why they are doing it and hopefully it will now stop. Sadly, I now have to make new one's, put them out, probably lose them again before the Police get round to stopping the individual. 


Anyway, that's one thing out the way but, as I said to start with Sunday was disappointing as the so called winds/rain etc etc didn't materialise but, enough people had said they weren't prepared to sell in such poor conditions. I did say that it would be fine but.. what do I know :) 


Looking for supposedly better weather this Sunday and hoping that Stonham fill in the wet bits and we have a great crowd this Sunday. We are getting the buyers and now just need a few more sellers.. See you from 8am. 


February 22nd 2015 


Unusually disappointing week. The early frost seemed to put off a lot of people although many sellers arrived late and arrived after 9am as they realised that it was actually a lovely morning. Yes, it was bitterly cold with a wind that came and went but, again we had great numbers of buyers. The field is soggy on the edges but, we do have the stalls on the hard ground and I move the sellers around each week to keep them on non soggy areas. A good week of wind and then perhaps even sun should dry up the field. it doesn't take much to clear the surface at Stonham as it is a sturdy/well drained area. Don't let this put you off as it is a great venue and a bit of sunshine and the place fills up. As usual i'd like to thank everyone that comes and all the sellers. Each week I hear everyone saying how friendly the buyers are. We do get the early morning dealers popping in but, even they take on the friendliness of the place. See you on Sunday from 8am. 


February 15th 2015 


Again another good turn out with increased numbers. The pleasing bit is obviously the fact that we have been closed for the first time since we began and the buyers are all appearing. We are obviously a traditional Car Boot so, we tend to rely upon the people that suddenly decide to do a Car Boot and clear their lofts so, it's down to how good the forecast is for these but, the buyers are there and waiting so, don't be shy. Really pleased with the improvement from the week before so, hopefully this will continue each week now until Spring and then grow dramatically as the weather improves. I'll keep this short rather than ramble on. But, everything has started well and we will be here until November now, so, if you can't make it one week, try the next. 


February 8th 2015 


Really pleased with the first week at Stonham. To put it into context. needham started on Saturday and although was a bit iffy they had 6 sellers. We had 20 odd and although it isn't what we expect this is in February when it's been freezing and icy lately. The weather was better Sunday albeit cold but the thing that really please me was the amount of buyers venturing out. I did get asked by many if it would improve with the number of sellers but, it seemed quite a daft question. The fact that Needham had 6 sellers and I expect they were probably asked the same question. At this time of year and open for the first time since November 30th you cannot expect everyone to just appear on the same day. I'm still thinking about when to start next year as it was such a good turn out of buyers that I will see what they think before I agree to start on February 1st. It might make sense to start on March 1st but, we will see. 


It really depends upon the field. Stonham seem to be building all over the place so, I will have to think about moving to the other side soon. As far as Stonham goes they are launching a radio campaign and neatening up various bits but, it would have been nice if they have done that already. 

Anyone reading this for the first time you used to be able to write back to me on it and follow the blog but, if you have anything to say or ask just call me or email as i listen to everything. Speaking of which if there are any Doughnut sellers please contact me as i'm feeling generous and allowing one on. But, you will need to be someone that fits in well as we are a Traditional Car Boot and we have a good crowd. 


February 1st 2015 


Well what can you say. To be expected I suppose. It was absolutely freezing, blowing a gale and then raining and all at the same time. Amazingly we still had sellers willing to set up but, I advised them that as much as they wanted to set up we just wouldn't get buyers coming out in such awful conditions. I was pretty right because I didn't see a single person come in although I did see a few drive and then stop outside and look in. 


Warmer weather is expected this Sunday so, i'm positive as always as even Needham starts this Saturday. Typically they will get a warm morning on their first opening day. Full boards will be out tonight (Friday) so, i'm looking at everyone seeing the boards longer than they did last week as I was hampered by poor weather and a Land Rover that just doewsn't want to start. The Food Trailer has had a spring clean and looks better although I will be taking it home every two weeks and making sure that it is kept mud free and painted.  


I'm looking forward to this year as always we have such a good reputation and i'm hoping that we will grow a lot more as we are a year older. I'm also looking to get signs printed rather than my hand made signs. I've got fed up with these being taken and moved. I'm also hoping to get some more help as Ian has decided that he can't help move everything around anymore. I know he would have done if he could but, i'm looking forward to seeing him selling more this year. I've also asked Ian Ainsley to help Sunday mornings. Some of you will recognise him from Rougham.  


Anyway, Happy New Year and I hope to see lots more of you turning up. The field isn't in a great way at the moment but, I have a meeting this Saturday with Stonham and hope to discuss it being rolled and flattened so, we are ready for warmer weather. I may ask to use the Car Park if it continues to rain but, i'll be there with sand and will see how it is on Saturday. 


23rd November 


Another wishy washy day and to be honest quite appalling weather. Sellers again turned up despite the awful conditions. The covered stalls were used by everyone turning up. The field is actually ok but where everyone is driving across it to get to the stalls it is cutting up a bit. A few days without rain and it will be back to normal but, we really have had terrible weather and it's been constant rain. 


Sellers bought off each other and some brave buyers did turn up but, no one was going to become a millionaire on Sunday. So, we have one more left this year and I'm just hoping that we end with a nice warm day or a day just without rain. I think it's the prefect time to stop. As everyone knows we used to stay open all year but, it's just not feasible now. Everyone has said what a pity it is but, I remember opening in thick snow and ice with 3 sellers there and we were all cuddling the tea urn.. As I've said before we only hire the field at Stonham Barns. At some point all Car Boots seem to have this problem with the venues whereby, they see good crowds and think that we ought to pay a bit more to rent the fields. We have always kept the prices down at Stonham, so that sellers are not charged too much. We have been very fortunate that Stonham have helped us along the way. I know that other Car Boots are rumoured to be closing and this is because the owners are demanding too much to use the fields. They will end up with no-one hiring the field. It's really sad that all that effort to start a Car Boot is then taken away from the organiser and offered to the highest bidder. I know how much time and effort we have put into the Car Boot so, it is an upsetting thought. 


Although we are rivals to other Car Boots I hate to hear that one is closing. My main fear at the moment is that everyone turns up on February 1st next year as we haven't had a break in all the time we have been running. It makes sense to close now because everyone starts to go into Xmas mode and Car Boots really aren't a winter thing. To make one work you would have to turn it more into a market rather than a Car Boot. Stonham is more about one off sellers and being an old fashioned traditional Car Boot. We did always get some sellers each week no matter the weather but, we pay a set fee now so, it's November 30th this Sunday and the last one this year. Do try and give us a send off and make sure you put FEBRUARY 1st 2015 in your diary for when we start again. xx 


16th November 


Another 2 weeks gone by and it’s rained on both (eventually). Each time I’ve been pleased with the numbers of people that have turned up despite the pending rain. I’ve put a comment on the main car boot page about the end of November being a good decision for stopping the Car Boot. The constant rain and the way that the edges of the field tend to cut up has meant that it’s probably a good time to stop. Also, around the corner is Xmas and everyone’s mind are taken away by the urge to head to the high streets. The fields at Stonham drain amazingly so, it’s not like some of the other car boots that become a swamp. We’ve placed the covered stalls on the hard ground and are keeping the main field open for £5 sellers still. 


The real problem is that if the weather is potentially bad everyone decides to stay in. Naturally, we all get the buyers that go to all the car boots in the area and also the diehards but, car boots rely upon good weather and the passing crowds. At Stonham we are on the main tourist route to the coast and as well as the attractions and shops have the holiday makers in Summer + campers and holiday home crowd. As it get’s into Winter not so many people are heading to the coast! 


Everyone has, as usual, said to many that we should stay open for Winter but, this is the selfish one’s that are thinking of finding themselves somewhere to sell at only to change the mind come the time. For the last two years we have sat in zero conditions in snow, blizzards and rain. yes, amazingly we always got sellers but, we need at least 20 or 30 sellers to keep the buyers happy and to cover costs of running a car boot. Well, we have two more to go and i’m hoping for some token decent weather and two days without rain…. we will see. 


2nd November 


Two more weeks have gone by and the weather has been quite poor. I’m amazed how many turn out despite the forecasts but, they do continue to get it wrong. On the 26th we had good numbers in the end considering. The same with the 2nd. I had read all week and even the same day that it would rain. It didn’t really rain at all until about 12pm. Some sold really well and I’d say that most people were genuinely happy to have sold so well despite the expected poor conditions. On both weeks it has been cold and gloomy but, we have the covered stalls offering some protection and we literally sold out bar 2 last week of those. 


I’m hoping that the last 4 Car Boots this year will be good but, the scaremongers are saying it’s going to be freezing. Cold is fine it’s just rain that kills Car Boots. 


Lots of people have stated that it’s a shame we are closing for December/January but, we really don’t have any choice. We have to pay a set fee irrespective of the weather and despite being so fortunate with the public’s continued love of Car Boots the weather will deteriorate. I think that only Needham and Portman Road will carry on a bit longer than us but, the majority of Car Boots have stopped already. Everyone says to me that we should carry on but, they all said this last year and the year before when we opened in the snow :) and they didn’t turn up. I’ve said this lots of times I know and it always amazes me when we have people selling at Stonham when we have ice and snow on the ground. I know we get the odd 50/60 + sellers in Winter but, when there are 10 there and we are all cuddling the tea urn you start to wonder if it’s all worth it. 


Speaking of which I am still looking for that one venue in Ipswich that would enable us to run all year. I really don’t know a venue that has indoor facilities and enough for 100+ sellers. Toys R Us was a good venue but, thanks to them letting everyone down we had to stop that. We were discussing this the other day. If we were running that still it would be huge by now. I expect it would have caused problems either way because it would have taken over the car park at Toys R Us. Still never mind. 


Just a last message to say that we will be opening each week until 30th November and that’s irrespective of the weather. Make sure you come on down because we don’t ever flood and once the rain stops we get going. So, don’t just sit there in a puddle elsewhere come to Stonham and that includes all the buyers too as we will always have sellers. 


19th October 


Two very different weeks. On the 12th we had a great buying crowd. The weather was, as usual, supposedly bad but, was in fact, great. This always has an affect on numbers selling but, we seem to get a good consistent crowd of sellers and we also have the pleasure of people literally every week that haven’t been before. I’m sure others say the same but, we really do get new people each week. I think the majority of sellers on the 12th went home happy because the crowds grew as the day went on. We often start slowly but, by finishing time a good all day crowd had turned up. i think the way of judging it was the fact that everyone was still there at gone 1pm. A good sign. The good weather does have a lot to do with it but, the weather brings a lot of people to Stonham. 


Last Sunday (19th) was a big contrast to the previous Sunday. When we arrived at 6am it had gone from spitting to all out heavy rain. I kept tapping my trusted device which was telling me it would be cloudy. By roughly 8am it finally stopped. Many other Car Boots had probably given up by then but, we had a good selection waiting to see what the weather would do. 


It was quite a shocking morning but Stonham always drains instantly and only the areas near the food trailer (hard ground) actually get wet. I expect that many people looked out at 8am and decided against going to the car boot but, we always soldier on and quickly the day became quite a nice on. naturally numbers weren’t as good as the week before but, no one looked too jaded. No one would have become millionaires but, all sold and some even sold well. 


Perhaps, with the way the weather has been looking lately, you can understand why we are closing from November 30th. Knowing the way it works I expect a heatwave in December but, we have made up our mind. Having gone through two very cold winters it makes sense to do what the others do and close in December and January and start again on February 1st 2015. It gives me time to repaint everything, re-do all the signs and maybe improve the food trailer. I know I always go on about getting up all week at 5am it will be nice not to have to do it on Saturday and Sunday getting food for the Car Boot and setting up the stalls. I will probably mope a bit whenever the weather is good but, everyone else stops so, we are going to. It’s only December and January so, it’s not for long. Do make sure you take a note and make sure you come back on February 1st 2015 as I don’t want to find only a few at Stonham Barns on the first Sunday. Keep a look out for the signs as they will suddenly appear when we are starting again. 


One thing I forgot to say was well done to all the sellers that persevered last Sunday. We have to pay a set fee for the field no matter the weather so, it was great that everyone waited and gave it a go. It meant that we covered costs which was great considering how awful it looked at 7.45. really appreciate the continued support of everyone. 


5th October 


You didn’t think i’d get the time to fill this in did you. I’m so busy these days and fishface also has a new shop opening in Ipswich soon and we do have a new website opening literally in a week. Sadly, the format will change and we won’t be a blog as such but, we will still have the blog page and you can still respond to it just not quite in the same way. I presently have 2500+ followers on here. I expect that the majority are electrical but, it makes me feel important. The Car Boot has been perched on the side of fishface’s website and finally fishface will start to look like a proper website. You will have to wait and see but, a new layout is there and more importantly the Car Boot will still have two pages. 


Not sure how much you notice but, I have changed the url on this page so, we are no longer page_264 or whatever it was. If I’d known it was so easy I would have done it ages ago. This page is now and not a strange number. 


Anyhow that’s enough waffle. Last Sunday was less sellers possibly cause the forecast was up and down and it was blinking freezing at 6am when I arrived. It turned out to be a beautiful day. I was quite pleased because it filled up at 8am rather than 6am and with the weather improving we ended up with a good buying crowd. it carried on to closer to 2pm rather than being finished by 12 so, it was a perfect day. I’m always critical of the Car boot because I’ve seen it massively busy and also quieter. I don’t know how much everyone notices but, I have started to place mentions of us being an independent Car Boot that’s family run. The reason behind this is because there always seems to be so many politics around Stonham and we have nothing to do with anything that is planned, not planned or going on. We are just a mere and genuine Car Boot that hires the field and occurs every Sunday until the end of November. 


I’m dropping in so much information today. Yes, we are stopping on November 30th and restarting on February 1st. Part of me is sad but, part of me is counting the days.Naturally i’m fearing having to start up having been closed for Christmas but, i’m sure that everyone will be biting at their steering wheels by the time February arrives. 


We have run throughout winter for two years and along with Portman Road have stood freezing on some occasions. I say good luck to Portman if they carry on but, as good as some weeks are there are many where we had to huddle around the tea urn and do so for ten sellers. In the past we could have done this but, we now have to pay set rates irrespective of the numbers turning up. This seems to happen in Suffolk… just when you think that people realise how much effort you put in and how important it is to stay open to get people into the site suddenly people get greedy and want part of something that’s doing well. 


Anyhow, to cut a long story short we are closing in November and starting in February again. I do need a rest as I get up 6 to 7 days at 5am and generally neglect my family :(. 


Being me i’m disappointed that we won’t be part of any Xmas events at Stonham but, I don’t get any holiday all year so, it will be nice not to have to plan anything. 


Last Sunday’s Car Boot was pretty good. We will be into our third year next year and at some point we will do what Needham did and that is become a large Car Boot. There really isn’t any reason why we aren’t already except that it takes time for the public to decide that you are actually a decent event. We have loads of fans and most people love the atmosphere but, we get people that do Car Boots now and then and want to come to a venue where you can sell without any hassle at all and deal with a really decent genuine crowd of buyers. It’s quite strange really because we went through a stage when we suddenly had a cross section of Suffolk coming but, it’s gone back to being a very British crowd (if that makes sense to you all). maybe we don’t get this section because they are unable to hassle the sellers? Our resident plant seller says to me every week that he doesn’t understand why we aren’t packed because it’s a great venue with loads going on and the only one with events. The answer is as I said earlier. We pick up fans each week and just wait until everyone suddenly decides that it is actually a great place to go. Don’t get me wrong we get loyal fans coming every week but, some times it’s rammed the next week it is busy but, not as busy as rammed. No idea where these people suddenly go but, I get new faces every week and long may it continue. 


I wrote a piece on a website yesterday about selling at Car Boots. It started off as a piece about coming to the Car Boot and ended up being a point about selling at car boots. the reason I wrote it was because I spotted someone on facebook asking about a good car boot to go to on Sundays. Wonderfully someone wrote Stonham. Someone added Woolpit and so on. Great. Such choice. 


A bit later someone wrote that Stonham was XXXX and recommended Woolpit. At the end of the day the Car Booter in question said that he went to Woolpit and it was XXXX. This really annoys me and gets me going. Woolpit isn’t rubbish and neither is Stonham. they are very different but, they all have their fans. Each to their own. What it stems down to is the fact that the said person didn’t sell at the Car Boot therefore it’s rubbish. On my piece I spoke about selling at car boots and how the good sellers change their stock and buy only items that they know will sell. The people that tend to sell at Car Boots out of necessity are the one’s that choose absolutely stacked venues. To me this is the worst thing you could possibly do. Huge car boots have masses of competition and I don’t think you are any more likely to sell at a large car boot with loads of buyers compared to selling at a smaller car boot with less buyers. The reason being is that people are looking for bargains. Also, if there is lots of competition unless you have something that no one else has you may not sell. I still feel that the recession is playing havoc with car boots. People are looking but not buying unless it’s really needed or underpriced. if you are at a Car Boot with less sellers it is more likely that the buyers will look at everything you have rather than scouting quickly the items on the table. At Stonham we have people that sell £100’s of pounds worth every time they come. As I said before they don’t do it every week. 


I used to go round asking people how they got on and you could see that some people seem to think that people will buy their items despite the fact that I couldn’t personally see anything I’d take if offered for nothing. I did go into one about also being the person that took the pitch money and therefore people would try and say they had sold nothing to try and get me to offer them a free entry ticket (I did this when we first started). Car Boots are exactly what they are. You can have a great day or a poor day. You can come the week later with the same items and sell the lot. It takes one person to make it a financially good day. 


Either way… for someone to say that a car boot is XXXX upsets me because so many people read these things and when searching words could possibly see someones wrong opinion. the power of computers. Should I respond to that person? I actually didn’t but, if Sunday has one seller and two buyers i’d be extremely shocked. Anyhow I’ve had more than that book covered stalls for this Sunday so, that won’t happen but, you know what I mean. 


It does upset me though. All around that person who says that a car Boot is XXXX there are people selling well that love the Car Boot but… one persons opinion is suddenly the be all and end of all everything. That Car Boot to new readers is suddenly XXXX. 


Not that that person had a pile of second hand tissues or similar poor quality items but, the car boot was unable to shift their items. I’m sure that it must be depressing if you don’t sell well but, we only supply the place to sell. 


I do everything to get buyers and sellers there but, short of buying everyone’s items there’s only so much I can do. Anyway, it’s Friday and I’m out later putting the signs up and will then get upset Saturday because someone has run them over or stolen them. I’m expecting a good crowd as I always do so, do come along and have a browse or sell. See you Sunday from 8am xx 

29th June 2014 


I know i’ve been slack but, the same old rubbish weather forecasts and a few other events locally which seem to have affected Car Boots all over Suffolk. We are back with a vengeance this month with the HESFES must go to Car Boot on the 27th. We have a few others coming up and i’m going to do a big push to get everyone aware again of the Sunday CarBoot. I know everyone is but, it doesn’t hurt now and then. To be continued 


15th June 2014 


I think we had similar crowds last year at this point. On the 8th we had a good turn out and this led me into believing that the Fathers Day would be an improvement on that. We did have the D Day show at Stonham which added a few extra buyers and sellers but, I thought that it would increase on Fathers Day. Daftly, I forgot that England were playing at 11pm the night before and added to this the weather was touch and go. We started to fill up a bit later than normal which was understandable and had a rush at 8am onwards. In the end we had reasonable numbers but, the whole day was much quieter than previous weeks. 


Some of the buyers cheered me up by telling me that all the Car Boots were quiet that morning. The Car Boots are lasting longer each week at the moment which is probably down to the weather improving as the day goes on. So, this week we should have a huge turn out of Motor Cyclers starting their Charity Run for St. Elizabeth’s Hospice. They leave at 10am so, this will add a bit of colour and a few extra people. 


1st June 2014 


Again another two very different weeks. In the last week before June it was just before payday and it was noticable. Many were looking but, just not spending. Like most weeks we had some that sold well and some that didn’t. Last week we had more sellers than the week before and it seems that the public are being very caredul with their money. Stonham is steadily growing with Summer slowly arriving. For us Summer means the extra tourists popping by and spending in the shops and at the Car Boot. I’m hearing that Car Boots are pretty much the same at the moment around the area. It’s difficult to say why but, suddenly without warning it suddenly turns. This Sunday we have the Mid Suffolk Vintage Festival & D Day Celebration. It’s a new event that will take place each year so, I hope it goes well for them. They have placed signs up in the area and hopefully advertised it in the press. Either way, it should swell numbers at Stonham which is always good. I won’t know how popular it is until Saturday when I see how many people are camping as they have offered camping for people wishing to make a weekend of it. 


I’m always a bit sceptical of new events as they often aren’t publicised as much as they should be. The signs is a good start though. I have mentioned the event in our advertising so, hopefully that will help both of us. 


Anyway, back to the pressing issues.. signs are presently not being stolen which is pleasing. Having argued with the Antique fair I quickly made peace with the Vintage people explaining that I have lots of signs up at Stonham every week. I’ve just started looking into finding a second venue again. I enquired with the council about Bury Road and their widely ignored park and ride site. Savilles responded and stated that the hire price was £150,000 a year. No wonder no one wants to go there. I even asked to use sections of the Car Park but, at £15,000 an area to hire I expect that the site will fall to bits and remain empty. How out of touch are councils… I’m not going to let that put me off though. I need a large field or disused plot ideally in Ipswich or between Ipswich and Needham. The Toys R Us venue would be swamped by now if it had carried on. Don’t start me off on that one. Our good friend that asked us to run the Car Boot there offered assistance in ghetting compensation for wasted time and advertising expenditure but, she miraculously disappeared and didn’t respond to texts. I presume that Toys R Us must have made some form of agreement with her. This is something that I have noticed a lot. Don’t take this the wrong way but, what ever happened to people giving their word. I’ve seen the same with Penny’s shop. Other people see that something is doing well and decide to do exactly the same thing just up the road. I wouldn’t dream of doing this. Since Penny started selling Annie Sloan paint their has been so many people trying to do the same. We had one person claim that they had bought paint from the shop and found it was very runny and imply that it had been watered down. Guess what! They were turned down to sell the same paint. Penny is a much better person than I am as I would have stuck the pot where the sun doesn’t shine. Penny purely ignored the slander and carried on. 


You can see why it has been so hard for me running a Car Boot. So often I have had to seal my mouth when sellers complain that they haven’t sold well. 99.9% of the time you only have to look at the cost of items, the quality or age of items and see why it is the reason. me being me do my upmost to try and gee up the sellers and explain that you need to rotate the items you have. We have a chap that sets up near the Food Trailer and he has really worked out what sells well at Stonham and makes sure that he has good stock. The same with some of the antique sellers. One of them always sells well, but, he categorically won’t sell unless he has good stock. I suppose we are all dreamers and expect to buy or sell that one item that turns out to be wonderful. I’m still working out a lot of the Car Boot people however, I will say that we have a good bunch at Stonham and most are good company. 


Anyway, if anyone thinks of a good enue for a Car Boot do let me know… The idea is for a Saturday one in Ipswich or perhaps a midweek one on a day when no one else does one. 

15th December 2013 


Not the greatest of days for the Car Boot as the weather was poor all night which meant that our dry position was drenched by Sunday morning. No ones fault but, despite this there were many people at Stonham and I have to say the circus and ice skating was pretty popular. Stonham have gone to great trouble to keep this Winter Wonderland from being affected by the bad weather by using lots of gravel and offering enough cover for everyone inside the tents. 


We are hoping for better weather next Sunday and i’m trying to get the Car Boot back in the middle by the shops or Owl Sanctuary. With the rain it definitely needs to be on the hard ground where we normally are. Keep watching these pages for updates on next Sundays car Boot. 


8th December 2013 


Great turn out from sellers last Sunday but, disappointing number of buyers… It wasn’t helped by the Circus and Ice skating being closed but this Sunday we have both open. I’ve thought about Xmas for quite a while now and whether we should stop or carry on. Obviously Xmas is one of those times when you just don’t know what to do. The regulars have said how much they’d like to keep the Car Boot going and the regular buyers keep turning up. But, it’s the floating people that we want. Stonham does have some good shops there but, unless you are having a relaxing Sunday many people will be starting to panic and going to get Xmas Shopping. I’m hoping that the Circus & hopefully a decent Ice Rink will really be popular this Sunday so, it could be a good one. 


I’ve said this a million times on here but, the Car Boot goes from being massively popular to absolutely packed to suddenly quiet. I know that Car Boots are a Summer thing but, we do get a good number of sellers and you would expect the Buyers to jump on the chance of a Car Boot that’s still running at Xmas. 


Most of our rivals have closed now and I’m really hoping that in our second year of running we will really take advantage of this. Stonham have really helped by having Chipperfields and Ice Skating on so, what more do the public want. There is a Toy Shop and good selection of Festive Shops and also Festive stalls at the Car Boot so we will see. 


I’ve probably upset my family by deciding to open over December but, it just seems the right thing to do with everything still going on. 


We are also open on that day at Xmas (29th December) when everyone is at home and potentially bored so, do come and have a browse and maybe even sell a few unwanted gifts! 


Over Xmas and Winter I am allowing the stalls to be booked (covered ones). Anyone just wanting to bring their own tables should just turn up at 8am for the uncovered pitches. We only have 20 covered stalls but, having those filled means that we know we will the basis of a good Car Boot. Last week we had 50 to 60 stalls which was exceptional for Winter so, i’m hoping for the same in December as we will get the crowds at Xmas as the Car Boot does offer some good presents for people especially with the antiques on sale. 


Call or text me if you want to book a stall and i’ll get back to you if you can’t get through. 

30th June 2013 


My apologies for being so late…. you know what it’s like. Well, we started the Toys R Us Car Boot which is possibly the main reason I haven’t had time to do this. I now have no rest days at all and i’m up every day at 5 except for Saturday’s where I allowed myself 15 minutes lie in (5.15). Instead of slowing down I seem to be working on how to destroy my health quickly.. As you can imagine I was fearing the worst with Toys R Us. To be continued. 


23rd June 2013 


Another Sunday gone and I have to say….. what a poor day. I know it’s boring reading about the weather and how wrong the forecast is but….. I want a job as a weather forecaster. I expect that the chap or chappess in question sits there all week with a box of Tenant’s whatever and randomly presses a different button every hour. I wonder if he even has a window in his office. I mean… how wrong can they be. When you watch the news they tend to show you a big moving wind chart. I definitely want one of those. Anyway, do I need to say anything… 


Saturday was supposedly going to be poor with Sunday being fine to start with until 4. Instead Saturday was windy but, not as poor as was expected followed by rain later. Sunday, started really well at 6am but deteriorated on and off throughout the morning followed by sporadic downpours all day really. What really annoys me is the fact that we all look at different readings for the same weather. I did have a lady call me up at 6.30 am asking if we were on as it was raining near her. Stupidly I didn’t ask her where she lived but, I quickly stated that it was glorious at Stonham… 


As you can imagine the covered stalls filled up swiftly and were gone by 10 past 8. Most people must have seen the forecast, looked out the window and decided it just wasn’t worth it. Because of this the VW event just didn’t get going. The 350+ bikers still managed to meet at Stonham (why didn’t they meet by the Car Boot) prior to their ride to Felixstowe and the Car Boot did well initially. Although the numbers were down with the weather putting a lot off. Well, considering the weather I have to say that the uncovered Car Booters had all brought their own sheets and despite the usual numbers we get none really complained. Everyone accepts that the weather has an effect and it’s more likely that it’s me that feels really pants after numbers aren’t as good as they normally are. I suppose that at £5 to sell or even £8 and with rain most there were quite happy to sell what they did. Naturally their are highs and lows. One told me that they had sold £180 worth whereas others certainly hadn’t. Generally though, given the rain it was to be expected. I know that other Car Boots on Saturday and Sunday had suffered as well. We are onbiously fortunate that we have some covers, it’s just a shame that it was too windy to bring out the covered walkways. Hopefully next week we won’t have to but, I’ll see if we can have all difficulties covered just in case. 


I do enjoy wandering around the Car Boot talking to people. I’ve managed to not look at what people sell and just ficus on what people do. One lady, Miss Alpaca, has a garden full of them and is trying to convert them into seat coverings. I also enjoy talking to the Paramedic that bizarrely makes plant boxes out of pallets. You wouldn’t believe the types of people you get at Car Boots. We have a teacher that travels to all the war zones teaching the kids various languages and English. 



30th December 2012 


What a shame. It was actually a really nice day but unfortunately the wind managed to freeze everyone that sold there. The diehards tried to maintain the weather but, in the end (by lunchtime) the wind won. We are trying again on Tuesday (New Years Day) and many of the regulars will be there selling. In fact many of them popped in on Sunday to see how we were doing in the wind. Tuesday promises to be a better day hopefully without the wind. I have left the signs out from Sunday and will be adding a NEW YEARS DAY date on all of them. We have also been advertised for sometime online and in the papers so, i’m expecting a decent turnout as there isn’t much on on NEW YEARS DAY. Xmas is well and truly out the way and for the next few weeks we are the only Car Boot still running in this side of Suffolk. We will always try and open on the Sunday and hope to see as many of you as possible. The Covers are still coming (I know it’s dragged on). We have been messed around by a few but, it’s on it’s way. 


Your support would be appreciated as we have attempted to give you a platform to sell at. You can also help by letting as many people know as possible that you are attending. We advertise on Twitter and Facebook and all the Car Boot sites so, any follow and retweets etc appreciated. 


Thanks to everyone. 


23rd December 2012 


What a letdown… Yes it was windy and the forecasts had been terrible and Xmas shopping was at panic point but, I reallly expected more to attend. With so many Car Boots stopping we really have looked at the public to take Stonham to their hearts and make it a Car Boot that will flourish in Winter. I know we are waiting for the covers still but, it’s such a great venue and the crowds will start to flock again. It’s probably a lot to ask for but, a warm day would be great. However, despite all the wind on Sunday it wasn’t actually that bad a day. It certainly doesn’t help when so many were warned of floods and high winds. Well, despite the winds the signs just about stood up to the wind and rain and it was good to see none stolen. The website is slowly getting back to shape although I still have a few pictures to put back. 


Xmas is upon us now so, hopefully everyone will be bored of it by the 30th and pop into Stonham Barns for the Car Boot on the 30th December and NEW YEARS DAY. 


16th December 2012 


It’s been a hard week in more ways than one. The website has been hacked so, we will look different until I can remember how we looked plus we had quite a few road signs stolen but we will keep going. Stonham Barns should be one of only probably two Car Boots still running now. So, we expect a lot more of you at Stonham Barns especially with the covers coming. The website should be back looking familiar again – just a few pictures to replace and a few additions. the good thing to come out of it is the fact that I can now add a google thing that works…. 


Friday was different to normal as I had three days off work and was expecting to put the boards up early Friday morning but I had to pick up this and do that and take this and before I knew it it was getting dark. I did have it all finished by 9pm (which was quite weird) but, I was nervous coming into the weekend as you never know how many will sell or how many will come to buy. 


We did have a good turnout on the Sunday which was good to see. We had over 40 sellers, which in the present weather conditions and the festive season is pretty good. The disappointment to me is the fact that the regular buyers seem to be panicking over Xmas shopping and going to Ipswich. We have our normal buyers and are picking up visitors from the closed Car Boots but, it’s been a little disappointing. One week we have masses of buyers and fewer stalls and the following week a complete role reversal. 


Winter is a strange time to run Car Boots. We have kept going because we were sure that buyers/sellers would want to carry on. This year has been blighted by terrible weather and this included Summer. Our soon to be arriving covers will obviously help us with this especially once the regulars know that Stonham will be open irrespective of a little rain. We have also geared it towards sellers that just won’t go because the rain will ruin their goods. Despite the smaller turnout of buyers people did still sell OK and there was a lot of people wandering off with goods. The week that has followed has been awful and we may be lucky with the weather with it being quite rain free. We will set up in the Car Park this time and hopefully our usual crowd will have finished their Xmas Shopping.

30th September 2012 


It had really been a strange week. I’d had a few calls but not many and we were in an extra newspaper this week. I decided to go in the Ipswich Star. We also decided to go in the In Touch magazines (in every Suffolk edition) and the Ipswich 24 magazine. Again, I listened to someone that tried Stonham Barns and he suggested we try the Ipswich Star because it was aimed purely at Ipswich. Stonham is not far at all from there and it’s a town. Also, a few of the Car Boots have closed for winter which would make us even more desirable to the Buyers. Especially with our intended market stalls and covers. 


Our website has seen quite a lot of visitors in September and we have definitely attracted a lot of new customers to the Car Boot at Stonham Barns, both Buyers and Sellers. 


The chap in question had said that he tried Stonham because a friend recommended us. He said he hadn’t heard about us! Again, where has he been… Anyway, this month we have covered Ipswich and continued to Advertise in Bury, Stowmarket, Coastal, EADT and now the Ipswich Star. 


On Friday I was late setting off again as some of the boards had faced a lot of rain and needed reviving. By the time I got out it was gone 9.30 so, I needed to utilise the wet soil and act promptly. As usual I was semi working out how quickly I needed to get to Stonham in time for my evenings excitement in the pub for a quick pint. I get a few bibs on my route but so far no one has stopped for a chat… I was expecting a few insomniacs joining me for torchlight hole digging. OK, not the most enticing offer but, you never know. The wet weather really helps as the ground is constantly rock hard and I spend ages trying to dig something that doesn’t have a million stones in it. 


By 10.45 I was just finishing at the junction of the A140 up to Stonham which meant that I had time for one more before the pub wouldn’t let me in. Naturally, I left myself enough time. 


My mind has and constantly is constantly trying to work out how to make the field rain proof. My early attempts at working out how to secure a 100 foot tarpaulin are driving me mad but, again the best method still seems to be All Weather Market Stalls. If we have rows of stalls each with there own covers and a separate cover that stretches between the rows we would have a rain free aisle of facing stalls. This would enable us to be the first rain proof Car Boot. With Winter upon us soon we would definitely attract a good crowd as it wouldn’t take long for word to pass round. Buyers will soon be starting to look for places to go for Car Boots so, i’m anticipating a good response to this. I may initially buy 20 to 25 of these and based upon the response will then buy more and more. The one down side to having rain free market stalls is that I will have to charge extra for these stalls (they are not cheap to buy) and I will have to start to take bookings for these as i’m pretty sure that these will become very popular as it gets wetter and colder. We will still offer the normal prices for open pitches (some people are happy to cover up) but, there will be the offer of dry pitches and areas that buyers can remain dry in. Keep watching and reading for details on this but any thoughts email or call me. 


I finished my pint and managed to finish all the boards without hammering my hand or tripping over anything. I was in by 12.30. 


In the morning I had to collect a few things and drive to London so, my one lie in was ruined as usual. I seem to always get Car Boot calls just at the time when I drop my phone or when I’ve walked into a Tibetan Monastery. Well, you know what I mean. 


Sunday was going to be another day when you just don’t know how many were going to turn up. I’m a complete nightmare person with regard to the Car Boots because I always feel that everyone will decide to just have an extra ten minutes in bed and suddenly it’s lunchtime. We’ve been pretty consistent with numbers (when the weather is ok) and Buyers turn up anticipating a Car Boot even if it’s wet. I should be more relaxed about the Car Boot but, each week i always ask myself whether I have done enough advertising or whether I could have done just a bit more. When we arrived there (incident free) at 6.15 (late today) there was already one car there and within ten minutes we had a row of people. Was that it or would everyone see that it was going to be a decent day. By 8 we had about 50 sellers and the early Buyers were already trying to be polite but, eager to see who had what there. Car Boots are always great places as you get the same people coming every week. And I mean every week. The Computer game duo, the elderly carpenter looking for the piece to renovate, the record buyers, the amateur antique buyers that always claim to have bought a masterpiece for 75p. The book buyers and even the Polish 6 that are now regular attendants. Car Boots are full of characters and each enjoys telling the other what they have been doing since the weekend before. A week of auctions, midweek car boots and in some cases full time jobs as well. The first hour is nearly always taken up with the sellers looking at the other sellers gear and then a big race to see what the once in a blue moon car booters are selling. This is why the first hour is often the busiest. Stonham is a little different as you get another rush at 9 and again at 10 as the shops open. 


By ten we had 70 sellers and although it wasn’t near our best weeks we have had, we had a good crowd and a good buying crowd. I really do anticipate that the buyers will keep growing. Word is passing around that Stonham Barns Car Boot is still non commercial and there are definitely bargains to be had. 


I know we will get bigger and bigger but, my aim will always be to keep the Car Boot as relaxed, laid back and enjoyable as possible. It’s Tuesday already and I’ve had a few Car Boot calls from new sellers so, with any luck, we will get a dry Sunday. As always we will be there come rain or shine and will set up.  



June 26 2016