May 28th 2017

My apologies for being a bit slack this year. It's all happened so quickly after the break and before you know it the November to March break is over and you have weeks to get ready. Literally a week before I was having the food trailer tiled and quickly painted (by me). It seemed such a good idea to tile the food trailer until it came to lifting it onto the back of the car. It appears to have doubled in weight and will have to be jacked up or I get onto steroids to manage to lift the thing. Well, the first week back we had 80 0dd sellers which was an anmazing start to the year. Normally it builds slowly as the weather kicks in and then decreases as everyone goes on holiday and then builds again. This year it's been regularly high with only one low week when the forecast was poor. We have had a few weeks were people stupidly read that it's going to rain trather than look out the window in the morning, so frustrating... Last Sunday there were almost 100 sellers and it was lovely weather and a good solid buying crowd. Lots of smiley faces as most had sold well. 


July 9th 2017


July 31 2016