July 31 2016 

Another successful Sunday Car Boot yesterday and I was pleased to see so many people at Stonham. As the schools have broken up you really notice the number of holiday makers in Suffolk. We had HESFES there for the week and it wasn't quite as full in past years as it was a last minute organised move for them as they were due to go to Wales but, there were certainly enough at the Car Boot and it was a very busy day. I hope everyone sold well. Next Sunday we have one of the VW Shows on and have over 500 staying at Stonham all week so, another bumper day next Sunday with many turning up to show their cars to everyone. We are getting good numbers on a regu;lar basis now and all the stalls have been reserved for quite a while now. 


If you haven't been for a while do re-visit as we have the VW Car Show this Sunday followed by a Stonham Fun Day and then followed by the Classic Car Show so, good events with new people at the Car Boot. The Fun Day is a new event but, if it has lots for the kids then, it should be good too. Something that I will point out is that the VW show on Sunday is free to enter which is great and really a great way of getting people into the shpow to see the cars. Do take advantage of that and have a look. 


Last thing as I'm always struggling to get time on here these days but, I am comtemplating a Tuesday Car Boot at Stonham Barns and i'm listening to hear what people think about this. I know that there isn't presently one on a Tuesday nearby so, good feedback from everyone about this will make that happen. 


May 28th 2017


June 26 2016